- The Electoral Commission has allocated funds to be used for the acquisiti on of the consultancy services described below.
2. The Enti ty now invites eligible consultants to submit sealed expressions of interest for Provision of Mapping Residual Polling Stati ons Countrywide.
3. The consultant will undertake mapping of the residual polling stati ons in twelve regions in all districts in Uganda for both mainland and island districts. A checklist will be provided by the client.
Develop and submit Expression of Interest (EoI) of consultant understanding of the task
Develop and submit research protocol with survey method, data collecti on tools, schedule of activities and budget
Develop and submit a technical and fi nancial proposal to conduct a 30 days mapping exercise for the locati on of polling stati ons country wide.
Carry out data entry and cleaning of coordinates collected for locati on of residual polling stati ons country wide
Submit a detailed mapping report for locati on of polling stati ons in form of coordinates using an appropriate spati al reference (12 copies). Details of the assignment will be discussed in the inception meeting with the consultant. ]. CLICK HERE FOR MORE ON THIS NOTICE