With two months to go before the election, Equato-Guineans – but also observers and diplomats – are wondering who will win, Teodorin or the caciques of the regime who see the son as the head of this small country rich in hydrocarbons and are pushing the father to run again.

The outcome of the legislative elections is hardly in doubt, as in every election: the PDGE -a single party until 1991- should leave only a few crumbs to “tolerated” opposition movements among the few that are not the target of relentless repression regularly denounced by international NGOs.

Ten months ago, the party congress gave rise to unprecedented quarrels between supporters of Teodorin and Teodoro, who has been president since 1979 when he overthrew his uncle Francisco Macías Nguema in a coup.

The anticipation of the presidential elections was justified in Tuesday’s decree by the need to group together costly polls in the midst of an economic crisis due to “the war in Ukraine” and the “covid pandemic”, but observers see it more as the desire of one of the two camps to push what it believes to be its advantage.