As the Head of State had always accused the forces for being infiltrated by ‘Kawukumi’ it seems the house of the Lord needs more prayers and sacrifices than the force itself.
The Church of Uganda is of late striding scandals after scandals, something one might not be wrong to relate it to lack of faith in the works of the Holy Spirit and the church they serve. How can a full reverend believe in witchcraft?
Twelve months down the road, finally the matter of Poison and witchcraft allegations eating up the mighty Kinkizi Diocese seem to have come to end, with some people being put in the line.
This follows a lengthy statement issued by the Uganda Police Force’s Criminal Investigations Department headquarters putting a zip and lock to allegations where Kinkizi Diocese’s Rt. Rev. Dan Zoreka accuses a fellow Reverend’s family for conspiring to poison him.
Rev. Zoreka accuses Kihihi archdeacon Rev. Justus Tibesigwa and his wife Kiconco Desire for baselessly hiring one Kyorikora Prudence to destroy their family using a poison disguised as a hair cosmetics.
This matter became an issue of concern and created a lot of factions in the House of the Lord thus putting at state the success and reputation of the church of Uganda in the entire Kigezi sub region.
“The jelly like substance with strands of hair suspected to be poisonous were submitted to the Government Analytical Laboratory (GAL) in Wandegeya for analysis. Toxicological analysis was done and the findings were that Methylparaben and Propylparaben was detected. No compound of toxicological interest was detected. Methylparaben and Propylparaben are preservatives with antibacterial and antifungal properties that are widely used pharmaceuticals industry.” The letter states adding that they have no documented health effect to human health or harm to human life.
This letter also copied to former Prime Minister John Patrick Amama Mbabazi and the State Minister for Housing and Urban development Hon. Chris Baryomunsi further reveals that the document received gotten from Kyorikora Prudence that it was given to her by Ms. Kiconco Desire, wife to Kihihi’s Rev. Justus Tibesigwa was found with no coordination with the said incident.
These conspiracy allegations against the family Rev. Justus Tibesigwa are said have massively injured his reputation, time, career including causing psychological frustration.
Its however much surprising how highly acclaimed religious men have outrageously lost faith confidence in what they preach to the sheep. Besides putting efforts on how win more people to the church, Churches have also a responsibility to strengthen its leaders in faith as the image of church continues getting tinted by personal grievances amongst leaders at different levels.
Here is the full statement from Uganda Police