Kenyatta Launches New Generation Coins

  • by Dixon Kagurusi
  • December 12, 2018

In compliance with the 2010 Constitution of Kenya, the new generation coins that have been launched by Kenyan President, Uhuru Kenyatta, will not bear any portraits of a human being, as they have been formerly decorated with his father’s face.

The 2010 Constitution of Kenya out rightly prohibits the inclusion of any person’s face on the Kenyan national currency.

While in the Central Bank of Kenya on Tuesday, Uhuru Kenyatta was the first Kenyan to receive the new generation coins.

Animals will now be the replacement of human faces on the Kenyan currency; there is a giraffe on the 1 shilling coin, a Rhino on the 5 shilling coin, a lion on the 10 shilling coin and an elephant on the 20 shilling coin.

Even if people have their reservations on this development, it is a move that has smashed a trend that some Kenyans thought was not right. Speaking to Tamara Adhiambo, an Actuarial Science student at the University of Nairobi, Kenya, expressed doubt submitting that this is a good way of wasting national money as the country is in such serious national debt to start minting new coins.

However, other expressions were positive as Kenyans are happy that this new development has washed away the harsh thoughts of Kenyan money belonging to the Kenyatta family.

The new money was circulated immediately on the day of launch and this is a great move. Congratulations Kenya!