VIDEO: Bryan White IS A ‘Nobody’ – Frank Gashumba

  • by Dennis Ola
  • August 12, 2018

City businessman and socialite Frank Gashumba has described Bryan White as a ‘rabbit’ who can’t be compared to a lion.

A furious Gashumba says it would only be fair to compare him to people like Bobi Wine and Kizza Besigye who do not pay people to attend their rallies unlike Bryan White.

Gashumba says Bryan White is not influential and that that is why he pays people who come to listen to him. On his part, Gashumba says he is paid to speak to people.

I ONLY DEBATE MY EQUALS…. THE REST I TEACH .🙁🙁🙁🙁🙁😖🙁😖😖🙁😖🙁😖🙁🙁😖😖😖😖If You Find Value In This Video , Please Like, Comment & Share

Posted by Frank M.Gashumba on Saturday, August 11, 2018