Kabale like many other districts around the country is grappling with the plastics/polythene waste management problem.
This problem is more severe in urban centres attributed to poor attitude towards the environment and lack of a consciousness to the surroundings by many Ugandans.
It must be noted that plastic waste endangers human life, animals and the environment, if it is not well controlled and disposed of in a proper manner.
Pollution from plastics is less visible and therefore our decision makers or policy makers do not see it as a priority yet it is a silent’ killer.
It is in the same vein that the Kabale Municipality Mayor, Emmanuel Sentaro Byamugisha has launched a plan to manage the catastrophe.
According to Mr Byamugisha’s plan, used plastics will be recycled as residues and converted into manure.
He also says that the plastics will be bought at 240 shillings per kilogram to encourage locals to help the district in collecting and disposing off the items.