King Mumbere, 152 royal guards due in court today

After spending their Christmas in different prison cells, embattled Rwenzururu king, Omusinga Charles Wesley Mumbere and 152 Royal guards are expected in court today for mention of their cases of treason, terrorism, murder, aggravated robbery, malicious damage and attempted murder.

READ: Mumbere, 161 royal guards wanted to overthrow President Museveni: court

All these related to the recent Kasese clashes where up to 100 civilians and police officers were killed and today, Police has mounted barriers to block parts of the road leading to the Jinja Court.

Omusinga Charles Mumbere and his subjects were mid this month charged with five charges and 41 counts at the Jinja Chief Magistrate’s Court.

Initial charges

Mumbere last month appeared before Chief Magistrate John Francis Kaggwa who could not record his plea, saying the offence with which he was charged is only bailable and triable by the High court.

Prosecution alleged that King Mumbere killed Kasimba on March 24 2016 at F.F.U Dettach in Kidodo cell – Kasese Municipality in Kasese District.

Mumbere was arrested on November 27 at his Buhikira Royal Palace in Kasese town by the Uganda People’s Defence Forces in a joint operation with police, and was airlifted to Nalufenya prison in Jinja following fresh clashes that rocked Rwenzori region.

Categories: NEWS
Ignatius Liposhe:
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